Kinagree Smith are a musical duo in real life of Jack Kinagre and Lexie Smith, and in Second Life of Zorch Boomhauer and Lexie Luan streaming from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The full band often also includes Ira Segall on percussion. Lexie and Zorch also play individually in Second Life.
Both Jack and Lexie sing and play acoustic guitar and write original songs producing an intoxicating hybrid of music fusing melodies of the Irish music traditions with an American Folk Rock feel.
Genre: Folk, folk-rock
Country: USA
Language: English
Time Zone: SLT + 3
Review in Live Music in Second Life: Yes on 16 July 2011
Own Group in Second Life: Kinagree Smith has 33 members
Links to Artist's Website: and 2 BIG 4 THE INTERNET and REVERBNATION and
Calendar: HERE
Manager / Bookings: Contact Lexie or Desirae Beaumont or Sally LaSalle
Song List: Samples on Reverbnation
Date data first input to this Directory: 16 July 2011