Torben Asp is a Danish composer of electronic music which he performs integrated with amazing particle-effect shows. Torben has been performing live concerts in Second Life since October 2007. He composes and arranges his own original music with many inputs from a variety of different genres. He wants to create pictures and set us in a certain mood instead of being the next superstar - he likes to call it Recreative Music. His music of an ambient/new age kind and his musical inspirations are: Sash!, Darude, Jean Michel Jarre, Kraftwerk, Vivaldi, Mozart and almost every other kind of good music that is around.
Genre: Electronica, ambient, new age, synthesizer
Country: Denmark
Language: English
Time Zone: SLT + 9
Review in Live Music in Second Life: Yes on 25 March 2011
Own Group in Second Life: No
Calendar: Contact Jess Oranos
Manager / Bookings: Contact Jess Oranos for booking.
Song List: Extensive original works - see his website and YouTube
Date data first input to this Directory: 30 March 2011